Sunday, July 31, 2011


       This is our girl Daisy.  She is the Queen of Over Yonder.  She is the reason we have a farm.  While she is not very affectionate, she does her job very well. That job is to either raise a calf or give us milk.  Most of the time she is doing both. "Daisy milk" is the best milk I have ever tasted, and she has spoiled our and many other people's enjoyment for store bought milk.   Raw milk is so healthful so long as you know your source and the health of the cow.  She is indeed a very healthy cow.
       Daisy has raised around 9 baby calves including her 3 that she gave birth to since she came to live with us.  She has come to understand that part of her job is to raise foster calves, so she will feed them while she is in the chute and when they are old enough, they can graze with the larger cows with out fear that they will nurse while they graze together.  This can sometimes be a pain, but it sure makes weaning so much easier. 
      We started out milking once daily, but after a couple of  years the milkers grew older and acquired many other responsibilities, so we started keeping the calf on her and milk only when the refrigerator is empty.   We have had other cows to come and go, but she was our first milk cow and I hope to have her till her passing (hopefully many years from now).   She has indeed been a blessing for our family.

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