Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's Finished!!

It's Finished!!

Here is the finished product!  I love it!  I love my guys!!  It means so much to me.  We all had a part in it!!  Chase built the doors, I sanded and stained it, and drew the pattern for the punched tin heart.  Richard punched the tin panels, Chase  put it all together,  and I canned all the goodies inside.  Chase helped me a lot with those tomatoes this summer, too!!  Thanks guys!!

                                                                       Mesquite Bean Jelly

One of the last things I put in my new old cabinet is Mesquite Bean Jelly.  Hobo Honey is another name for it.  It is a beautiful, mild tasting jelly that definitely has a slight honey taste to it.  Many a skeptics came away with a new favorite after tasting this!!  Here is my recipe:

                   Mesquite Bean Jelly/ Hobo Honey

You will need  2 good sized  handfuls of high quality mesquite beans where at least one side is slightly pale yellow, with a rose blush, semi pliable, with as few of blemishes as possible.  If you can not make the jelly the same day or the next, wait to pick them till you have time to make the jelly.

Use kitchen shears to cut into 2-3 inch pieces and brew in a pot with at least 8 cups of water on them.  Simmer for 2-3  hours on low.   Strain liquid, discard beans.  In a small pot, boil lids for 5 min. keep in hot water till ready to seal jars.

6 cups of Mesquite Bean juice (if you are a bit low, add just enough water to equal 6 cups)
8 cups sugar
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 pouches of liquid (gel) pectin like Certo

Bring M.B. juice mixed with half the sugar to boil, and boil hard for 5-6 minutes, add remainder of sugar, boil hard another 2 minutes, take off heat let the boil come down completely, add the 2 pouches of Certo, stir till completely dissolved, bring back up to a rolling boil, boil for 2 minutes, remove from  heat, fill approx 10-11 half pint jars with jelly, seal with the boiled canning lids put on rings to finger tightness, boil in boiling water bath for approx 15 minutes.  Take jars out to cool slowly under a dishtowel. Label and enjoy.  Perfect for gift giving! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Meanwhile back at the house...

I have been very busy this summer.  The garden did well and I canned more this season than I probably have ever canned before.   AND...  I was stacking jars everywhere, even on the floor because my large canning shelves were full.  Richard had been to an auction probably a year ago and had bought several different wooden book cases and shelves.  These were all rather ratty and he only paid about a dollar for each one.  Most went into our wash room/shed that he built.  It is wonderful having so much room out there.  I pulled one of the sets of shelves out of the other storage sheds that we were not using yet.  It was quite rustic... My wonderfully talented son, Chase built doors for it and they are beautiful, and look like they have always been on the old cabinet.  But he did not find it an easy chore.  It went against everything in him to build perfect doors for a very wonky old cabinet that was not square in the least.  He had to cut his doors crooked just to get them to fit correctly.  Richard punched some tin panels for it, and Chase installed them.  That photo is coming  this is what we have so far!  I am SO excited about it.  This is also only a fraction of all my new canned goods.

Pssst, hey y'all....

 Hi! I'm Sophie, remember me?  I have something terrible to report...
My people are S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G a cow (well technically a heifer) on their farm, and its me...
They have had me on a 10 cube a day diet!!  Me bein' with child and all!
I can show you 3 ribs, count 'em 1,2, 3!    Ha!  thank the good Lord that we have grass right now!  They can not keep me from eating grass, and they do let me have all the hay I want...
But how does a girl lose those  pesky few pounds on the rump? What exercises do I need to do?
And they are torturing me too, and I just take it--all so I'll get at least my 5 cubes morning and night.  Don't snicker now, but they make me squeeze into this tiny, ugly, little, stanchion thingy... or I would not even get my 5 cubes!  I heard Mama say I was in training to be a milk cow, huh! I will be good now, as good as gold --but just you wait!! 
In the mean time what is a girl to do???
Well as Sophie announced-- she is with calf and has a bit of a weight problem! LOL happens to the best of  us gals.  We have to monitor her closely since she has no calories going out like she would if she was being milked like Daisy, but she is doing well.  Her udder is growing and maturing daily!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Our littlest Princess...

Tessa was born Over Yonder on November 17, 2011.  What a doll she is and is spoiled rotten already.  We have been remiss in her training.  That will have to start very soon!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

We are cows and poultry again...

We have sold out of the hogs (Yay!) and sadly, but happily the goats. The high cost of this horrible drought has proven to be more than our little farm can bear. My heart aches for my goats but they are just a short drive from our farm, they are together and they are loved dearly by a wonderful woman.

Darlin', Patches, Charlie, and Bunny and Prissy now live at Lana Helmers's beautiful farm. (The above photo is of our poor farm in August of 2011.) The day before Thanksgiving we delivered the goats to Lana.  Richard and Chase built her a pen and revamped a tractor barn for them to live in.  It is warm and dry and they think they are in heaven.  She is head over heals in love with them all and is full to bursting with excitement over their impending babies' arrivals.  Patches will kid first most likely and Prissy shortly after.  Darlin' and Bunny have a bit of time yet.  I am so excited for Lana, and all the goats as they have all the love and attention they could possibly want. 
Next we will push Lana into getting some poultry!  LOL she will love them too.  Lana just thought she was retiring  ;) --she is busier now than ever!!  We love you Lana, thanks for taking our babies!