Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pssst, hey y'all....

 Hi! I'm Sophie, remember me?  I have something terrible to report...
My people are S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G a cow (well technically a heifer) on their farm, and its me...
They have had me on a 10 cube a day diet!!  Me bein' with child and all!
I can show you 3 ribs, count 'em 1,2, 3!    Ha!  thank the good Lord that we have grass right now!  They can not keep me from eating grass, and they do let me have all the hay I want...
But how does a girl lose those  pesky few pounds on the rump? What exercises do I need to do?
And they are torturing me too, and I just take it--all so I'll get at least my 5 cubes morning and night.  Don't snicker now, but they make me squeeze into this tiny, ugly, little, stanchion thingy... or I would not even get my 5 cubes!  I heard Mama say I was in training to be a milk cow, huh! I will be good now, as good as gold --but just you wait!! 
In the mean time what is a girl to do???
Well as Sophie announced-- she is with calf and has a bit of a weight problem! LOL happens to the best of  us gals.  We have to monitor her closely since she has no calories going out like she would if she was being milked like Daisy, but she is doing well.  Her udder is growing and maturing daily!

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